Monday 9 April 2018

Different types of charts

Okay, to start learning Technical analysis the very first basic step is to know about different types of charts because charts are the base on which whole technical study depends.

In a chart usually horizontal line represents time frame which can be one day, one month, one year etc. and vertical line represents stock price.
There are basically three types of charts:

1.      Line Chart

2.      Bar Chart, and

3.      Candle stick chart


Line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. It connects a series of data points with a line. A dot is placed for each closing price and the various dots are then connected by a line.

Chart credits: Money control

Above is example of Line chart. Major advantage of this chart is that it is very simple to understand and is very useful for beginners. For example above charts shows the downward trend.


Bar chart is the little advanced version it shows Highest price stock reached in the given time frame, Lowest price reached, closing price and opening price.

bar can be better explained by the following diagram:

      Chart credits: Money control

Above is the example of Bar chart.

Next is the most important chart that is candle chart or Japanese candle chart. This we will be giving in details in our next article.

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