Wednesday 13 December 2017

Cryptocurrencies, Are Bitcoins the only one giving big returns

First of all if you are here to know what are cryptocurrencies then please visit our article " What are Bitcoins and why Government and RBI have warned against its use "

This article is about other cryptocurrencies apart from Bitcoins which have given huge returns, these are :

1. Ethereum

It was designed by Vitaly Buterin in 2013, Developers need ethers (value token of Ethereum blockchain) to execute smart contracts across the network.

2. Dash

It came into picture in 2014, it was the first crypto to offer decentralised autonomous system of governance.

3. Litecoin

It was introduced in October 2011 by Charles lee former google engineer. It is much faster than Bitcoins in terms of its decoding and have increase faster than bitcoin in terms of value aprreciation.

Apart from these, there are other cryptocurrencies also like IOTA, Ripple, Z cash, etc.

If you want to know more about any currency please comment.

Further please note that these currencies are not regulated by any body and hence highly risky, also central bank have warned against these many times. So invest at your own risk. 

P.S. : This article is for knowledge purpose only, we do not recommend any kind of investment in cryptocurrencies.

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