Wednesday 9 November 2016

What is Intra-day trading and Cash buy for deliveries

Hiiiii, I am writing this blog assuming that by now you all have opened your accounts with some “broker”

(NEW READERS: What accounts he is talking about)

Ohhhhhhh!!!!! So I have some new readers, great, for new readers please read my previous blog “How to start investing in Stock Market – for beginners” for knowing about accounts I am talking about. And now here is the sequel to my first blog

“What is Intra-day trading and Cash buy for deliveries”

Trading in Equity shares can be done in two ways one is Intra trading and the other is buying for deliveries.
{An equity share, commonly referred to as ordinary share also represents the form of fractional or part ownership in which a shareholder, as a fractional owner, undertakes the maximum entrepreneurial risk associated with a business venture. The holders of such shares are members of the company and have voting rights. Source : moneycontrol (for those who don’t know the meaning)}

(Disclaimer: Owning the shares doesn’t means that you have become controlling authority of the company)

CASH BUY for Delivery

In this segment you actually buy the shares for value that means if the shares is of Re 1 than you have to spend Re 1 for purchasing 1 share, but shares will be deposited in DEMAT account after 2 days or we can write it as T+2 days (looks professional na!!!), and after receiving delivery only you can sell it.
(Suggestion : Since you all are new always go for long term i.e. cash buy for delivery)

(READER: OK started suggestion only after one blog)

No, this suggestion is given by great investor Warren Buffet. Now don’t tell me that you don’t know him and if you don’t then please Google it.


Intra day trading or Day trading refers to the trading where trades are settled by the day end or we can say trade is square off (Sounds Professional again). Hence in Intra day you can sell shares within seconds, minutes and hours after you buy, whenever you want and when you feel that your profit Target has been reached. But it should be done on the same day. For example if you bought the shares today then you will have to sell the same today only.

(READER: What if I am not able to sell it on the same day)

Here you need to be careful because if you are not squaring off your position then exchange will do it automatically on your behalf before closing of the market i.e. if you have bought some shares and didn’t place a sell order then market will automatically sell your shares at the prevailing price in the market

(READER : What’s the benefit??)

Benefit 1: We don’t have to block the whole value of the shares, we just have to block the margin amount i.e. usually 1/10th of the values of shares which is required to be deposited. Note: It is not always 1/10th, it depends upon different brokers how much leverage they are providing.

Benefit 2: You can sell the shares bought on the same day and vice versa.

(REMINDER : If you can’t give time and cannot monitor the price of shares for whole day KEEP AWAY FROM INTRA DAY TRADING)

(INTRA DAY TRADING : Why are you writing against me)

You (Talking to INTRA DAY TRADING) Keep quite, your comments not required

So hope now you understand the difference and in short we can say that:
Cash For Delivery Re 1 = 1 share (assuming that value of one share is Re 1)
INTRADAY TRADING Re 1 = 10 Shares (assuming that value of one share is Re 1)
Thats all for now. Hope you like it and do comment.


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